PROMOTIONAL TIP OF THE DAY: While everyone else is concentrating on posting in FB, Twitter and Instagram are rapidly growing in users and popularity, and pretty much being neglected by marketers. Open a free account today,  go in and poke around, put groups or business groups in the search box, and see all that pop up that you can join. Also search specialty groups like seniors, veterans, stay at home Mom’s and Dad's, etc.   Don't  neglect to connect your FB and Twitter accounts, so what is seen in one can be seen in the other. You can do this in your settings area.

PROMOTIONAL TIP OF THE DAY: Today I got my postcards from Elaine, AND THEY ARE AWESOME !!! I immediately saved them to my computer file. I have 2 grandchildren in college, and 2 children in their 30's, they are all on FB with large friends list. I asked if I could post on their pages, and then I posted the college kids post card, along with the fire your boss one. They are all in FM and I have them on their own rotator, so the postcards advertise for them all. Now FM has been exposed to over 3000 new people because of me posting on their websites, and this will help grow their business. ALWAYS ASK your family members or friends if it is okay to post on their wall

PROMOTIONAL TIP OF THE DAY:  NEED MORE PLACES TO ADVERTISE BESIDES FACEBOOK?  How about blogging ? videos (youtube) , safelist,  free and paid classified ads, linkedin, twitter, instagram, Flick’r, Tumbler, Pinterest, banner sites, and Google +  .  Not sure where to start? Google your topic !!  When you get done with ALL these, I’ll give you some more !!  lololol

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